Sunday, 8 August 2010

Brotherly love

    I don't really own brothers, with real blood-lihood relationship. But I have friends regarded as my brothers. I call them brothers aka buddies, ah ko or gor gor sometimes. I actually got inspired by a song sung by Leehom which I found it so touched. They treat me well all the while, ever since the day I knew them. With extended care and undying love. Do not misinterpret that I'm the kind of slutty or pervert fellow. I have two blood-connected younger sisters. I know what's the feeling of being a brother to others. Far more than you would ever expect. Though they are not having blood relationship with me, I'm still grateful that I have them as brothers in my life despite the fact that God has forgotten to give them to me. It's pure kinship that beyonds friendship but has got nothing to do with religions or beliefs and rituals (for those Old Schoolers). 

作词:王平久  作曲:常石磊  演唱:王力宏
手足的情 兄弟的心

哥  小时后一直问你,为什么你是哥我是弟。
哥  你总是那样严厉,为什么爱我从不放弃。
哥  在风雨中看见你,为什么你始终没泪滴。
哥 我要和你站在一起,我知道你也没大力气。

Edison: 認識你,從小學到中學,轉捩點是在中二那一年。從沒想過我們會這麽要好,尤其是宿舍生活牽引我們關係更密切。朋友不惜一切付出,都會希望對方永遠幸福。雖然此時大家各奔前程,但我相信會有團聚的一天,最重要的是要記得“一個像秋天、一個像夏天”和“仨人”。難忘的時光陸續在回憶錄重演,祝福你精彩生活每一天。

Henry: 還是喜歡叫JQK比較順口。其實很感激你,教會我不少生活哲學和人生道理。你告訴我什麽是永不言止、永不放棄。班上難得的知己,多謝你給過的美好回憶。你的生存精神和頑強的意志力是我需要學習改進的地方。無形中教會我很多,祝福你的前程錦繡。心結解不開時可以考慮我當聽衆,24小時 On Call。

Atlas: 謝謝你和爹“闖”進我生命裏。和你第一次見面竟然是在午夜Skype通話,還記得你和我說過的話、唱過(給我聼)的歌。其實,我意想不到你讀了我寫給你的Note之後會有如此正面的反應。感謝你把我融入你的圈子,認識你我三生有幸。只是依據爹的訊息傳達了解了一半的你,還有另一半得靠時間關係的徵信。想告訴你的是:你有你的樣(Young)年少輕狂也無妨。

p/s 純粹真情實感的關心,獻給超越友誼關係的純手足情。

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