Wednesday 10 June 2009


I feel so tension about making the decision and taking into action
regarding the internet location problem.
We are going to move
so what we need to do is to go to TM and fill in the form
then apply for changing address
waits for it to be approved.

It usually takes longer time to finish the process.
What we are facing is the the transport to the so-called TM
which located in the vicinity of Jalan Burmah.

Frankly I really tired of seeing their misbehaved behaviours and faces sometimes.
What you can do when your friend is creating a chaotic environment when you are demanding to have your revision of lessons?

What you can do when your friend is ignoring the cleanliness by simply putting the rubbish aside and thinking that someone will throw it into rubbish bin for he or she?

What can you do if your friend does not like you?

What if your friend is having bad-mouth about you?

What reaction will you take if your friend is changing all over again?

What will you do if you think that you are too strict to people?

What can you do if you meet those with egoism and less self-management and self-motivation.

I'll try my best to find out the truth to answer my doubts.

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